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Urban Impressions of the Stations of the Cross

Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5 - Monday of the Second Week of Advent


In today’s Gospel, we see the life of the man on the stretcher completely transformed by Jesus in two important ways: his sins are forgiven and his physical paralysis is completely healed. This transformation happened because of friends who brought this paralyzed man on a stretcher to the presence of Jesus. I often neglect to bring others to the presence of Jesus partly because I feel too small to be an instrument of such a great transformation in others’ lives. However, today’s gospel shows that the simple actions of friends can be the catalyst for great transformations. The Lord asks us: “who is the man on the stretcher in your life today? Will you carry the stretcher and bring this person to my presence?” On Thanksgiving Day I served lunch for our homeless brothers and sisters at Catholic Charities with five other women from our parish’s Women’s Spirituality Group as well as many other volunteers. This was a small step of answering the Lord’s invitation but the Lord continuously invites us to carry others to him despite our own brokenness and imperfections. Whenever I feel small in being an instrument of love to others, I will remember: “carrying the stretcher” is all it takes on my part. The Lord will do the rest, the real transformation.

Hye-Sung Kim
RCIA Sponsor

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