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Urban Impressions of the Stations of the Cross

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Profiles in Mercy - A Fresh Approach

“Instruct the Ignorant” is one of those Acts of Mercy that puzzles many of us. Who is ignorant? What does that mean? It is likely some may even revert to a negative connotation of ignorance, assuming it implies ill mannered or stupid.

The word “ignorant” comes the Old French word meaning “lacking wisdom or knowledge; unaware.” Embracing this Act of Mercy as more of a teaching moment and an engagement opportunity to deepen understanding and activate our faith.

Adult Faith Formation is a critical part of any parish. The USCCB describes three major goals:
  1. Invite and enable conversion
  2. Promote and support active membership 
  3. Call and prepare adults to act as Disciples of Christ
Almost exactly one year ago, Holy Name Cathedral took two major steps to embrace this approach for our Parish. First, to create a new Faith Formation (FF) Department and second, to unify two lay leadership groups, the former Adult Education and Evangelization & Spiritual Life Commissions, to become the Faith Formation Commission (FFC). 

The Faith Formation Department, led by Fr. Don Cambe, Associate Pastor, and newly hired Director of Faith Formation, Jennifer Delvaux, revamped the Rites for Christian Initiation (RCIA) program, introduced new Evenings of Reflection, and created new Baptism classes.

Collaborating with the FF Department, the FFC’s mission is to help parishioners gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of our faith, the Mass and the Sacraments and live our faith beyond the pew as a Disciple of Christ.

Kathy Montague, Faith Formation Co-chair, “Creating the Faith Formation Department and combining the EDC and ESL revealed we were just barely scratching the surface. Using the lens of Faith Formation, we now ask the question ‘How can we bring people closer to Jesus?’

Shifting to a more interactive approach, Holy Name’s FF programs encourage parishioners to ask questions, share perspectives and reflect on how we take our faith into our daily lives. 
  • Wednesday Weekly Bible Study – historical context and open discussion 
  • Boost Your Beliefs – how to meet the challenges of living faith-filled lives 
  • Lenten Faith Sharing Groups – small groups discussing the Year of Mercy 
  • Educational programs on papal teaching and newly-issued encyclicals 
  • Saturday morning Lectio Divina - an ancient prayer method reflecting on the Sunday Gospel for women
  • Women’s Weekend Retreat (March & October) – spiritual reflection and conversation 
  • Fall Art Exhibit – reflecting on our faith through a new medium
Nick O’Hearn, Faith Formation Commission Co-chair “The FF Department & the FFC are actively seeking input on new ways to provide opportunities to gather and learn to grow as Christians as well as support our ability to talk about our faith.”

Based on a new survey of parishioners’ interests, preferences and knowledge gaps, our FF team is prayerfully designing even more new ways to help us to learn more about our faith and be able to talk to others about our beliefs. In essence, enabling all of us to be able to Instruct the Ignorant.

Lori Doyle - Joined Holy Name Cathedral 6 1/2 years ago when I moved to Chicago. Currently the Chair of the Parish Pastoral Council, I also served as Chair of the Human Concerns Commission. Actively involved in our parish, I also serve as an Extraordinary Minister and a Minister of Care at Prentice Hospital/Northwestern Hospital. Was honored in 2015 with the annual Archdiocese of Chicago Christifidelis award

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