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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Passages & Prayers: A Guide

Take some time to read through the passage, Colossians 3:12-17, then return to this reflection. 
Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

This passage from Colossians may be one of the most comforting and inspiring that scripture has to offer. We are given a clear understanding of what we are called to be towards each other.We are reminded that love is to be the blanket over all we do. 

I feel this is an excellent passage to end the Passages & Prayers series. It gives us a simple rubric upon which to build the practices we need to be more faithful, more Christ-like.

  • Be compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, patient, understanding, and forgiving
  • Love one another (how many times do we need to hear this from Jesus and the scriptures - ever once more)
  • Be peaceful. 
  • Read, immerse yourself in, and dwell in the scriptures - the Word.
  • Share our faith in joy, even in song
  • Give thanks
As you wind down your summer and head into the colder and often busier time of autumn, may you practice those virtues in this passage. May you find the strength and humility to truly love all. May peace fill your heart, mind, and soul. May you encounter God daily in scriptures. May you joyfully share what you have been given in faith. And may you ever offer thanks and praise to God.

Jennifer Delvaux
Director of Faith Formation

Share your thoughts below or on social media, tagging Holy Name Cathedral and using #SeasonOfMercy.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mercy Profile - Bear Wrongs Patiently

If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? This quote from David Otis Fuller puts a spotlight on our ongoing journey as Disciples of Christ. It reflects both our aspirations and our human limitations to live out that goal. 

Over the past fourteen weeks, we have explored all fourteen Acts of Mercy, seven corporal and seven spiritual. The former is probably more familiar to many as they focused on meeting others’ physical needs with charitable acts. The latter are more nuanced and demand a deeper reflection of who we are as Christians.
The irony of this last spiritual Act of Mercy, Bear Wrongs Patiently, is that it is one of the most relatable acts but one of the hardest to regularly practice. The frequency in which another person irritates us, angers us or just plain hurts us is probably the reason this act is so difficult. It demands that we constantly have to put aside our natural inclination to respond with the same level of hurt or revenge and replace that response with mercy and patience. 

This is probably one of the reasons St. Thérèse of Liseux is one of our favorite saints, even though she lived a short twenty-four years. Her “little way” shows us how each one of us can fulfill the destiny God intends for us. “God would not make me wish for something impossible and so, in spite of my littleness, I can aim at being a saint. It is impossible for me to grow bigger, so I put up with myself as I am, with all my countless faults. But I will look for some means of going to heaven by a little way which is very short and very straight, a little way that is quite new.”

As a young child in school and as a novice at the convent, Thérèse was bullied. Rather than taking revenge or “evening up the score”, she kept silent and shifted her focus to areas where she could make a positive difference, especially through prayer. This did not, however, mean that she did not struggle like the rest of us, both with unwarranted blame and daily annoyances.

From her autobiography “The Story of a Soul,” she shares:
“For a long time my place at meditation was near a Sister who fidgeted continually, either with her Rosary, or something else; possibly, as I am very quick of hearing, I alone heard her, but I cannot tell you how much it tried me. I should have liked to turn round, and by looking at the offender, make her stop the noise; but in my heart I knew I ought to bear it tranquilly, both for the love of God and avoid giving pain. So I kept quiet, but the effort cost me so much that sometimes I was bathed in perspiration, and my mediations consisted merely in suffering with patience.”

Other of her life’s stories exemplifies that in a spiritual world we are called on to practice this act in the face of major injustice and in the dozens of daily interactions with others. There is no lack of opportunities to show the grace and love of St. Thérèse. It could be a family member who has a sharp word for us or blames us unfairly, a friend who misses a key event or fails to respond to a call or text or perhaps a stranger who cuts us off in traffic or in front of us in line. It is only with constant vigilance and prayer to respond with patience and mercy that we can approach the life Christ asks us to live.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Media & Mercy: The Way of Perfection

I’ve decided to end the summer (which technically doesn’t end for another month: but it’s a fact universally acknowledged that everything that comes after Labor Day is just a formality) with St. Teresa of Avila. Granted, “The Way of Perfection” isn’t exactly a beach read. But she is the saint that I named myself after—and the patron saint of Spanish Catholic writers, to boot. With the Summer of Mercy (and this column, which constitutes my first attempt at ‘religious’ writing: though what isn’t religious, if you’re a believer?) coming to a close, I wanted to spend some more time with her. 

As a writer, I’ve been struggling with my choice to write about media. Sometimes, it can’t help but feel a little frivolous, especially when I compare it to everything that St. Teresa talks about. I’m attempting to follow in the footsteps of a woman who wrote lines like “Let us not allow our will to be the slave of any, sisters, save of Him who bought it with His blood” and “let any who wish to talk to you learn your language; and, if they will not, be careful never to learn theirs: it might lead you to hell.” In light of this, I find myself wondering if writing about The Fault in Our Stars and The Legend of Zelda is really the best thing that I could be doing. 

There are plenty of reasons why entertaining such thoughts is a bad idea. St. Teresa wrote “The Way of Perfection” for a group of sixteenth-century nuns that were living in an especially strict convent; and I’m a twenty-something neophyte living in Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago. In the August of 2015, I wasn’t even a Catholic. The comparison isn’t exactly valid. Still: why media? When tasked with writing about mercy, why did I decide to spend fourteen weeks pointing out different examples of it in pop culture?

After some reflection, I’m left thinking that it might have something to do with being a convert. For the first twenty-five years of my life, media was effectively the God that I worshiped. I would hazard that this is true for many people, even those who try to be church-goers. Media lends itself to being worshipped, after all; it’s everywhere. And placing it at the center of our lives is much less demanding than taking the people, places, and events around us seriously. The latter entails analyzing our own place in the world, and examining how we contribute to both good and evil; the former, on the other hand, only asks that we have some intelligent things to say about the latest show we’re watching. It’s definitely possible to explore themes like giving drink to the thirty, food to the hungry, and visiting the sick through artistic expression. But it’s also possible to lose yourself in artistic expression, and to avoid engaging with reality by devoting yourself to escapism.

By writing this column, I suppose that I wanted to revisit the scenes of my youth, and maybe spot the redemptive seeds that I was too blind to see before. I wanted to learn how to be a good Catholic, and bear the wrongs of my past self patiently. I don’t know if I succeeded—but I do hope that the work I produced helped people to think twice about mercy, and the places where you might be able to find it. 

Teresa de Mallorca is the pseudonym of a neophyte who just completed the RCIA program at Holy Name

Share your thoughts below or on social media, tagging Holy Name Cathedral and using #SeasonOfMercy.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bear Wrong Patiently

“Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love of the brethren, a tender heart and a humble mind. Do not return evil for evil or reviling for reviling; but on the contrary bless, for to this you have been called, that you may obtain a blessing.” (1 Peter 3:8–9)

I must admit that this has been challenging for me to write because I do not bear wrongs patiently. When I was younger, I was a doormat – now that I’m older I’m the opposite. I’ve gone from one extreme to the other.

So, I did a little research to see what others have written about“Bearing wrongs patiently” and it was very enlightening – something I think the Lord needed me to see “Do not return evil for evil” hit me like a ton of bricks. In many ways I’m ashamed to say that is what I do.

How can I change that? How can I become a version of myself that shows the God in me? 

“Bear” according to means; to hold up; support: to hold or remain firm . . .

As human beings we all have flaws, as Christians it is incumbent upon us to love the flaws as well as the goodness inside someone. So, when someone does something that offends me, hurts me, saddens me I should absolutely address the situation but still have love in my heart. Because I’m sure that I have wronged someone as well and I would want forgiveness. I would want to be given another chance to show my better self. Shouldn’t we do that for each other? After all we are to treat people the way we want to be treated – not just sometimes but all of the time. I have been humbled by this exercise and know that I have work to do. I have to learn to be a more accepting person. 

Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.” (Matthew 18:21–22) That’s what we have been tasked with straight from our Lord. I’ll keep trying!

By Michelle Peltier
Liturgy & Ministries Associate and long time parishioner of Holy Name Cathedral.

Share your thoughts below or on social media, tagging Holy Name Cathedral and using #SeasonOfMercy.

One Word at a Time - Unknot

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Pew to Pilgrim - Admonish the Sinner

Integrity means your words and your actions are in synch, the wholeness of your character is honest and trustworthy. The Act of Mercy, Admonish the Sinner, encourages us to question whether our actions and words match – simply stated, do they fit? Are we living the words we speak? Are the people we love also able to live a moral life?

Before proceeding through this week’s Pew to Pilgrim practical suggestions on how to perform this Act of Mercy, reflect on what is Admonish the Sinner. Review this week’s postings to uncover some new perspectives. Discern over how this week’s act of mercy is (or is not) a part of your life.
The starting point for this Act of Mercy is with ourselves. We are human and we fall. Christ challenges us and urges us to own our stumbles and to ask for forgiveness. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is his invitation to spend time with him and receive his love and mercy.

Going to confession does not mean we are promising to never sin again. It does offer time to open our hearts to both our own sins as well as those committed against you by others. This is an opportunity to experience God's love for you so that you are able to share it with others.

Preparing for confession offers us a break in our daily routine to reflect and prayerfully answer the question of where in your life you may have fallen, for example:
  • Daily prayer or attendance at Mass
  • Truthfulness or gossiping 
  • Taking the Lord’s name in vain 
  • Disobedience 
  • Hate, revenge or lack of forgiveness 
  • Immoral behavior 
  • Harming others 
An interesting and perhaps paradoxical approach to examine our own sins is to look at what bothers us about others' behavior. Often, what bothers us the most is exactly what is problematic in our own behavior. Be kind to yourself but be honest and let this become a regular habit of reflection. Pray to the Lord for forgiveness and guidance.

The essence of Admonish the Sinner is a call for us to urge our “brothers and sisters” to address their sins. Of course, this needs to come from a place of love. This familial approach allows us to share our true intention of helping the other person, not just something we want to tell the other person. This requires extraordinary empathy and compassion, both to approach the other person but also to help them be able to truly “hear you.”

So how do we practically offer this Act of Mercy?
  • Apologize to someone for the way you treated them; let them know you realize your mistake 
  • Find a way to make a regular practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation - reflect on your sins
    • Been awhile? there are many helpful guides to prepare (an examination of conscience), how to confess your sins, ways to listen to the priest's advice, expressing your sorrow (an act of contrition) and absolution & penance
  • Recognize that "values are caught, not taught." This proverb encourages us to be a good example for not only our children but also for our community.
  • Talk to your priest about what you are struggling with and how to improve your own actions 
  • Read Fr. Barron's Word on Fire blog on The Gift of Confession
  • Think about someone you may have shut out because of their sinful actions. 
    •  Reach out to them to discuss how you were hurt and/or why you thought their actions were wrong. Work on forgiving that person. 
  • Begin reading the Bible more often or sign up for daily affirmations or Catholic newsletters that encourage you to discover new aspects of the Catholic faith. 
  • Start to have a better understanding of what Catholics are called to believe in so that you can work towards living that life and you can also better educate others who are not living in the way Catholics are called to live. 
  • Attend a Faith Formation lecture to educate yourself on different aspects of Catholicism; bring someone with you to share and jointly reflect on what you heard
  • Participate in Nightfever tonight, August 27 (or another one in the Fall) at Holy Name Cathedral - talk to one of the priests who are there for guidance
  • Have a Mass intention done for someone who needs "admonishment" but you may not be able to talk to them directly 
  • Join the Wednesday evening Holy Name Cathedral Bible Study group
  • Watch the political debates and take note of the candidates' positions. How do they fit into Catholicism? How do they not? 
  • Go on a retreat to take time to reflect on how you are living your life; what changes would you like to make? Are there people in your life you should be talking with? Use the time to consider what steps you would like to take in your journey as a Disciple of Christ:
  • Ask a friend on how to approach someone who needs your support; perhaps even role play with them on what you might say or how you could say it

Lori Doyle and Gabi Schultz have served as members of the Parish Pastoral Council, active with a variety of Liturgical Ministries as Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers, Cathedral Altar Servers and Ministers of Care at Prentice Hospital/NW Hospital. Both parishioners for about 6 years, Lori loves to travel and cook and is a proud mother of her son John, a UM Wolverine. Gabi enjoys trying new restaurants, running, cooking lessons and spending time with friends and family.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

#TBT - C.S. Lewis

Recognizing that we are all sinners walking the road together, we can open our hearts and minds to the efforts of God to draw us closer to him through the guidance he offers. Finding companions on our journey who will compassionately speak the truth is one of the greatest gifts God offers us. 

Who speaks truth to you, offering an honest evaluation of your words, deeds, and choices?

How do you respond to that truth?

How can you show your gratitude to this individual?

Take a moment to offer your thanks to God for the truth in your life.

Jennifer Delvaux
Director of Faith Formation

Share your thoughts below or on social media, tagging Holy Name Cathedral and using #SeasonOfMercy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Caught in God's Generosity

Take some time to read through the passage, Matthew 7:1-5, then return to this reflection. 
Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Sandwiched between words about God's generosity and messages of answered prayers come these five verses on judgement of others. I do not see this as a coincidence. Judgement is what comes when we approach admonishing the sinner without love, without mercy, and without a full understanding of how God responds to our own sins.

Spend some time reading Matthew 7:1-5 within the context of Matthew 6:25-7:11. You can find Matthew 6 here and Matthew 7 here.

  • When have you found God to be a source of strength, someone you can depend upon?
  • How can you more fully trust in God?
  • When has someone been generous towards you? Merciful towards you?
  • How can you embrace mercy and not judgement towards others in your life?
  • How can you mercifully reach out to those who are sinning?
  • How can you more openly embrace the admonishments of others regarding your own failures and sins?

Take a moment to give thanks to God for his mercy and generosity.

Jennifer Delvaux
Director of Faith Formation

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Mercy Profile - Admonish the Sinner

Communicating with Mercy and Love

Many aspects of Pope Francis's North America visit inspired us. One interesting and consistent theme was the way he communicated difficult messages with the spirit of fraternity and mutual hope. Whether it was his meeting with Fidel Castro or speaking to the U.S. Congress, he made frequent use of words like familial and brother. He did not criticize, reprimand or admonish those he was visiting. Rather, he sought to build relationships through love and common goals.

Each week this summer, we have explored an Act of Mercy through the profile of the beautiful
merciful work of an individual or organization. Pope Francis is easily someone who exemplifies mercy in the act of Admonishing the Sinner. But this week we invite you to reflect on your own profile and how this act is (or is not) practiced in your daily lives. This spiritual Act of Mercy may be one of the most, if not the most, difficult for us as lay people.

If you start with the words themselves, it is likely you have a visceral reaction: “What me? Admonish someone? Tell them they have sinned?” In today’s culture, the word “admonish,” evokes a rather judgmental meaning. Merriam-Webster defines it as “to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism.”And "sinner" is something we pray over each Sunday but are not necessarily truly acknowledge ourselves, let alone talk to someone else about their "sins."

“Admonish” in the biblical context means something quite different. The etymology of the word is from the Latin admoner meaning “to urge by warning" and related to submoner meaning "to advise privately.We would not hesitate to warn someone about something that may cause them physical harm – watch out for the oncoming car, watch out for the object you are about to walk into while texting or naturally cautioning a child to move away the edge. Here, admonish is about helping others change what they are doing so they won't get hurt.

So why is it so hard to talk to someone about something that could be harming them spiritually, not just in the moment but for their eternal souls? No doubt we live in times of heightened sensitivities and people are quick to react to any type of criticism. The prevalence of social media communications encourages one-way dialogues and discourages the nuance of context in 140 characters. But it is more likely a fundamental issue with our general discomfort with sin.

Consider your personal journey to Admonish the Sinner as a series of concentric circles or layers all encompassed by God's love. The core is your personal relationship to sin. Since Original Sin, Christ showed us we are all sinners. “Though the just fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble from only one mishap.” (Proverbs 24:16). We are faced with sinful ways every day and we need to “admonish” ourselves, to urge ourselves to be strong and resist or repent. Read Jennifer Delvaux's Sunday posting for inspiration.

The next layer or circle is with others where you have an established relationship. It might be a family member or someone to whom you are a "brother or a sister" as described by Pope Francis. The key is the relationship is based in love upon which you can have a discussion. To avoid defensiveness, it is important to share based on how the other person's behavior affects you and why you are concerned. Brusque and judgmental commentary could backfire, causing the person to shut you out or even worse, move away from the church. 

On the outer layer or circle is where you are able to share this more broadly in the world, where you don't have direct relationships but can exemplify being a "brother or sister." The self-righteous hypocrisy of the Pharisees provide a good example of what not to do. Rather, seek ways to be a visible example of someone who is aware and owning your sins, working every day to live as a Disciple of Christ. What can you do to encourage others to become more active in their faith or return to church to find a place of solace and forgiveness?

What are ways you can lovingly encourage others to reflect on their own sins and actively reach out for mercy and forgiveness, perhaps starting with the Sacrament of Reconciliation? How can you live a life that inspire others where you don't have a relationship? What are ways to make "admonishing" a positive activity that increases receptivity? 

Jesus encourages us to be accountable for others but always from a place where we regularly repent for our own sins. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" (John 8:7).

Lori Doyle served as the Chair of the Parish Pastoral Council and is an active member of the HNC Liturgical Ministries as a Lector, EMHC, Cathedral Altar Server and a Minister of Care at Prentice/NW Hospital.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Media & Mercy - On Immunity: An Inoculation

Eula Biss begins On Immunity: An Inoculation—her 2014 manifesto in support of vaccination—by stating that, as a child, “I understood the universal donor more as an ethic than as a medical concept.” This is thanks to her father, a Catholic doctor. This is a man who, every time he went onto a boat, he “took a life preserver with his name and ‘Organ Donor’ written hugely on it in permanent ink.” And this is the same man who, when he taught Biss how to drive, he told her “you are responsible not just for the car you are driving, but also for the car ahead of you and the car behind you.” Unsurprisingly, he donated blood whenever he was able. Like his daughter, he firmly believed that “we owe each other our bodies.”

As someone who grew up in a house overflowing with neighbor-love, Biss can’t help but have Certain Opinions about the fears surrounding contagion and vaccination that have flourished in American culture lately. In the book, she doesn’t spend much time citing the data and studies that prove vaccination is safe. What she’s more worried about—where, in her opinion, the bigger danger lies—is the fact that so many people are willing to be swayed by the mere idea, however groundless, that vaccinations might be unsafe for children. It doesn’t matter that vaccination has been unequivocally proven to have immense societal benefits: many parents still believe that any threat to their child (even if its imaginary) should be shunned—even at the expense of the greater good. Much of Biss’ book is devoted to dismantling this notion. It might be her sister who, at one point, puts it the best: “Morality can’t be fully private, for many of the same reasons that a language can’t be fully private. You can’t be intelligible only to yourself.”

In an age in which many people flinch away from chastising sinners—in a day when people are encouraged to, above all else, follow their passions—Biss manages to remind people of the purpose of a common sense of morality. If people are only encouraged to live for themselves and extensions of themselves (in this case, their children), the common good will inevitably suffer. By chastising sinners, we don’t need to cast ourselves as juries or judges—but rather, only remind people of the common goals for which we all strive.
Teresa de Mallorca is the pseudonym of a neophyte who just completed the RCIA program at Holy Name

Share your thoughts below or on social media, tagging Holy Name Cathedral and using #SeasonOfMercy.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Admonish the Sinner

While recruiting authors for these pages, this was the one day that no one wanted. No one wanted to offer a reflection on the challenging idea of admonishing the sinner. It is a terribly uncomfortable work of mercy to discuss. 

Let's look at this as both the subject and object of this work. Sometimes you are the one needing admonishment and sometimes you are the one called to offer the admonishment. The challenge lies in discerning the difference between the two and offering that admonishment with the mercy, compassion, and love of Christ.

We are far more comfortable as the subject of the sentence, "I admonish the sinner." It is important that we help to correct the course of those going astray. Truth needs to be spoken. However, with the model of Christ, we are called to focus our admonishments in a way that comes from compassion, true care for the other, and a mind to the kingdom of God. Jesus looked with love (Mark 10:21) on those he was correcting. He spoke the truth, yes, but did so in a way that was mindful of where the person he was teaching was at in their lives and where he was inviting them to journey.

Being the object of the admonishment likely makes each of us shift in our seats or deny the need of such correction. Let's be real here. We all sin. We need to be blunt here. In a world where we use filters on our photos we can often avoid the dark and unattractive corners of who we really are. Admonishing the sinner means we need to be open to the light of Christ, and whoever brings that light and words of truth, into our lives. We need to acknowledge our failings, listen to the wisdom and correction of others, seek forgiveness, and strive to greater faithfulness as disciples.

The very essence of being the object means each of us is on the receiving side. The American way is one of independence and self-sufficiency. These are not inherently bad characteristics, but in our faith lives this can often lead us to a place where we deny the need for correction of our thoughts, words, choices and actions. We can use those characteristics to deny the need for the saving grace of God. "But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)."

We need to be humble, honest, and open to the grace and love of God as we journey through the moments of being the subject and object of admonishing the sinner.

Jennifer Delvaux
Director of Faith Formation

Share your thoughts below or on social media, tagging Holy Name Cathedral and using #SeasonOfMercy.

One Word at a Time - Shudder

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Pew to Pilgrim - Visit the Sick

The Art of Listening

A wise old owl lived in an oak,
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird? – Unknown Author

After years of serving as Ministers of Care at Northwestern Hospital, the practice of active listening has emerged as a far more important skill than we ever imagined. Visiting the Sick offers its greatest value by being present to the needs of another rather than performing a duty. This act of mercy calls us to be listening more and talking less. It is truly a privilege and a blessing to be a servant of God with those struggling with both physical and spiritual illnesses.

Visiting the sick is one of the six Corporal Acts of Mercy described in Matthew 25: “I was sick and you visited me.” For many, this is limited to members of our immediate family or perhaps the role of our priests and deacons for others. Why is that? Is it just the plain busyness of our lives and not having the time or is it a general discomfort with being around people who are sick, especially those in the hospital? Visiting the sick is more than checking a box on our To Do List for the week. It is an opportunity to practice our faith.

As with other Acts of Mercy, the practice of these deeds calls us to reach deeper into who we are as Catholics to find ways to follow in Christ’s footsteps. Visiting the sick offers us a path by “doing” less and "being" more. The best way to help the sick is to “be present” for them. Pay attention to the small signals they are sending to you. Lean more heavily on listening and less on speaking.

Think about a time you have been really sick and consider how you would feel to have a visitor. It’s likely you wouldn’t want someone who is talkative or entertaining. You would want someone who is compassionate and paying attention to how you are feeling at that moment. The person who is sick might want someone to listen to them, someone to talk with them, someone to read or watch TV with them or perhaps to sit quietly and pray with them. Noticing how a patient or someone who is ill is feeling at that moment can be the greatest gift of all.

When you visit the sick, you are entering their space. This is a time for you to put aside your worries and focus on allowing Christ to come into the room. Seek to understand where the patient is feeling and how their illness is affecting them today. Consider how they want you to be with them - take a seat if appropriate, hold their hand if they would like, see what they need and how you can make a difference in that moment.

There are many ways for all of us as Catholics to practice Visit the Sick:

  • Pray for guidance on whom can benefit for your offer of the act of mercy - your priest, your parish ministries can help you connect you
  • Volunteer at one of the many hospitals in the Chicagoland
  • See how you can volunteer at a local nursing home or assisted living - maybe you can call Bingo!
  • Check in on someone who has battled a serious illness; see how they are doing and let them know you are still praying for their health
  • Pray for those who are ill and have no one to visit them; keep a list of those you meet or hear about who need your prayers
  • Send flowers or a plant to someone who is ill; if they are in the hospital and cannot accept flowers, send gift cards for a restaurant or perhaps an Amazon gift card for a book or magazine subscription
  • Volunteer to drive someone to a doctor's appointment; be there for someone when they are having medical tests done
  • Sponsor an elderly person through the Catholic Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA) - now called Unbound
  • Become a Holy Name Cathedral Minister of Care - bring the Eucharist to the sick in the hospital or to the homebound; contact Julie Berggren
  • Ask a priest about how to bring communion to someone who cannot come to church
  • Volunteer for or donate to the Ronald McDonald House of Chicagoland for families with children being treated at Lurie Children's Hospital
  • Volunteer to run errands for the patient or their families; what can you do to help the family have some semblance of normalcy
  • Learn about a FOCUS mission to serve the those who are ill
  • Consider illness comes in many forms: physical, mental, spiritual; investigate Catholic ministries to help those who are struggling with all three 
  • Pray for the elderly in your family; you may not have seen them for awhile or they may be far away - pray for their physical and spiritual health
  • Volunteer or donate to Bear Necessities for children with cancer and their families 
  • Find ways to support Meals on Wheels in your neighborhood - donate your dollars or your time to make sure people who are too ill to get out for groceries or food have access to healthy meals
  • Become a volunteer at Little Brothers, Friends of the Elderly
  • Learn about patient advocates and what they do; become one at a hospital or in private practice 

Lori Doyle and Gabi Schultz  have served as members of the Parish Pastoral Council, active with a variety of Liturgical Ministries as Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers, Cathedral Altar Servers and Ministers of Care at Prentice Hospital/NW Hospital. Both parishioners for about 6 years, Lori loves to travel and cook and is a proud mother of her son John, a UM Wolverine. Gabi enjoys trying new restaurants, running, cooking lessons and spending time with friends and family.