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Urban Impressions of the Stations of the Cross

Saturday, December 3, 2016

December 3 - Saturday of the First Week of Advent

Still Small Voice

I moved to Chicago in 2001 from Oklahoma, where I was born and raised.  There, the interstates are referred to by their numbers:  I-35, I-40, and the like.  When I moved here and needed to find my way out of the city, people would tell me to take the Eisenhower…or the Edens…or the Kennedy.  Needless to say, I often felt lost, confused, and in need of direction!  Thank God for GPS—that reassuring, knowledgeable, and (usually) accurate voice, who leads me step by step in how to get to where I need to be.          

One of my favorite passages of scripture is found in today’s Old Testament reading from the prophet Isaiah:  “While from behind, a voice shall sound in your ears, ‘This is the way; walk in it,’ when you would turn to the right or to the left.”  One of the greatest blessings of our Christian faith is that we have been given the Holy Spirit to comfort us, teach us, and guide us into truth.  If only we will be still—and listen for that voice.     
I know it’s hard to do, but in this busy season of preparing for Christmas, I encourage you to try to carve out a bit of quiet, where you can listen for that still, small voice.  I know it’ll help you get you where you need to be!

  1. Think of a time when you weren’t sure which direction to take in life and that still, small voice provided you with the answer you needed.  Offer a prayer of thanks to God for that grace.
  2. Take a moment to be still and get in touch with a true desire you have for this Christmas season.  Ask God for that grace—and watch for what happens!

By Shane L. Tytenicz
RCIA Sponsor

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