The story of Jonah is one of the most fascinating stories in the Old Testament. It has so many entertaining twists and turns and supernatural elements. But beyond these elements we find elements of Truth, of the calls in our lives.
The story starts with a call, the Word of God calling Jonah to preach conversion to Nineveh, one of the largest cities in the world at the moment; Jonah finds this call so difficult and impossible that he runs away as far as he can from the mission. All our Christian lives begin with a Call from God, and we are continuously called to be better, to choose the path of greater love. Many times, that path may seem to us as hard and impossible as it was to Jonah, and we may feel tempted to run away too.
But the story, as per today's reading, continues with a great twist. After time in the whale in solitude and reflection, the whale takes Jonah to a place close to Nineveh. Jonah goes there and to this surprise the people of Nineveh believe him; they fast and repent. When we decide to take the path of love which is usually the difficult path and we collaborate with God, great things can come to our lives and the lives of others around us.
Lent is the perfect time to look for ways to be better, to listen to the higher call. We pray and fast because these actions can help our minds and wills to be ready to take the difficult path that the Christian live requires from us.
In what way are you being called to the Nineveh in your life, both during Lent and beyond?
Reflection by Flor Delgado
A member of the Young Adult Board
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