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Urban Impressions of the Stations of the Cross

Friday, November 4, 2016


Silent Encounter 

Prayer is a powerful way for us to call out to God. This experience of "knowing God" (Galatians 4:8), to get to know him better, is often best accessed through prayer. Jesus teaches us that it is necessary to pray always without becoming weary (Luke 18:18). We also see this from St. Paul when he writes in (1 Thes 5:17-18): "Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."

Prayer can come in many forms. It can formal or informal, spoken out loud or silently to ourselves. It can occur in our homes, in a garden, during a run, while we are driving or when we are showering, and of course, in our church, alone or in a group. Many people think they need a specific prayer to communicate with God but all that is needed is for you to start a conversation. God is listening. But formal, traditional prayers offer a special way of repeating comforting words very familiar to us and familiar to God.

In order to more completely encounter God, we must sometimes silence the sounds. Much of what we do as Catholics is actively pray together and alone, learn and teach through preaching or express our faith with performances of singing and instruments. Consider adding some quiet peaceful time to listen to God to open up an even closer relationship with Him. This contemplative prayer time is when we become still, where we sit silently and how we become aware of our surroundings. It is when we truly listen.

I recently had someone tell me to stop praying so hard - not because she wanted me to truly stop, but rather she encouraged me to be silent in order to listen. She wanted me to add some "quiet time." Sometimes we go on retreat to find some solitude but we can also bring this into our daily lives. Look for ways in your life to add a mini-retreat in your day. Is it in the early morning before the day takes off? Is it a visit to church during a break in your day when there is no mass but plenty of peacefulness? Or is it just before you drift off to sleep and can just breathe deeply and listen?

Find just five minutes in your day to be still and silent to listen to what God has to share with you.
  • What is your favorite way to pray? Do you have a favorite prayer?
  • How does it help reveal what God hopes for you? 
  • Are you listening to God? To what he wants for you and his answer to your prayers?
  • What is blocking you from listening? What can you do to create some silence to hear him?

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