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Urban Impressions of the Stations of the Cross

Sunday, July 10, 2016

One Prayer Helps Many

The letter arrives every month. 

It looks like any other bill or solicitation, but instead of wanting money or payment, this letter requests prayers.

It's the monthly message from Holy Name Cathedral's Ministry of Praise. It begins with a short reflection and then a page or two of people's prayer intentions.

Many churches have prayer lists in their bulletins. But through the Ministry of Praise, it's not just another item in the bulletin. The Ministry of Praise is an active request. These requests are sent out into the world - they come to you and seek you out. 

Prayer can do so many things in our lives. It can lift you up, help you navigate through a difficult time, renew or heal you spiritually and make such a tremendous difference in your life. I find great comfort that there is a community out there -locally and beyond - that will selflessly include other people's needs and desires in their daily prayers.

In the letter, some topics appear every month: Health or financial concerns or praying for eternal rest for those who have died and comfort for their families. And then a list of personalized intentions: prayers for peace, vocations, the sick, the state of the church, our country or city and an end to violence.

I always find the personalized pleas for prayer especially moving. Usually, they are just a first name and short line of description. Behind each request, there is a life and an individual story, where some need is offered up and where help is requested.

Through social media, I always see many people asking for prayers - for them, their families or other needs. However, I never realized the true power of those prayers until the past year when my family and I have been on the receiving end. Without actively soliciting help, I've had people come up to me and tell me they are praying us. What great comfort and solace that has brought.

Many people say they send kind thoughts or good vibes. Those are well-intentioned and appreciated, but an offering of prayers seems more intimate, personal and meaningful. It's about taking the time to ask God for help or for a saintly intercession.

Praying for others is one of the great spiritual works of mercy. It is a simple way to help without requiring a great deal of time of the participating person, but it can truly have an impact and relieve a person's spiritual suffering.

John Silver is a parishioner at Holy Name Cathedral.

More prayers are always needed. To join the Ministry of Praise at Holy Name Cathedral, email Julie Berggren, HNC director of pastoral care at or call (312) 573-4427. To add a prayer request to next month's prayer list, leave a message on the prayer request line: (312) 573-4493.

Share your thoughts below or on social media, tagging Holy Name Cathedral and using #SeasonOfMercy.

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